The Therapy Couch
Welcome to The Therapy Couch, the podcast where real life meets real emotions. From the comfort of my couch, let’s dive into the depths of the human experience, exploring topics that matter most- healing trauma, self-discovery, and relationships. Follow along with me your host, Jozi Dickerson as I navigate life’s complexities. I’m here to create a safe and supportive place where listeners can relate, reflect, and grow. The Therapy Couch is not just a podcast; it’s a community, and no matter where you are on your journey, you are never alone on The Therapy Couch.
The Therapy Couch
Awakening Authenticity Finale: Who The F*ck Are You?
Embarking on a quest for authenticity, we wrap up our Awakening Authenticity miniseries with a heart-to-heart on the very essence of self-discovery. Imagine aligning your reality with the person you aspire to be—what traits would you embody? As I reflect on my personal journey, I invite you to sketch out your ideal self, focusing on characteristics like compassion and resilience, which are vital for truly living as our envisioned future selves. This episode is a tapestry of introspection, where we acknowledge that personal style, goals, and boundaries are profound statements that define our place in the world.
Fashion choices aren't just about following trends; they're a canvas for expressing our individuality. And as we navigate the intricacies of setting boundaries, remember they are a reflection of the respect we demand. In today's candid exchange, we don't just explore the threads that make up our unique tapestry, but also delve into the lifestyle selections that shape our lives, from nourishment to financial management. And with a dash of vulnerability, I share my own aspirations, touching on podcasting, life coaching, and the dreams that push us beyond our comfort zones.
Celebrating personal growth, we embrace the path of self-improvement, a journey that's uniquely ours. I share inspirational insights from Allie Ninfo of the Unfuck Yourself podcast, a beacon of encouragement that reminds us to honor our progress. As we toast to the strides we've made and the summits we aspire to reach, we hold onto the truth that our most significant competition lies within the reflection of the person we were just yesterday. Join us for this soul-nourishing finale, and let's raise a glass to the ongoing adventure of becoming our truest selves.
Hey you guys, welcome back to the therapy couch. We are in our sixth and final week of the Awakening Authenticity miniseries. Can you believe we've made it this far? I feel like this is going to be the most important episode. Yes, the tool, let me say, let me say this yes, um, the other tools in this mini series are super important and you're not going to get where you're going if you can't figure those things out Right, which I guess is why I started with those. But I, low key kind of feel like this should have been the first episode. But I feel like now that you have this foundation remember last week I said you know, the previous five weeks were us building a foundation and now we get to build our house. Right now we get to build a home within ourselves, and this episode is going to be just that. We're going to figure out who the fuck we are, who do we want to be, who do we want to show up as, who's that person that you see in the future, that has all the things that you want, that you're going to take the steps on a daily to become that person. That is what we're going to do in this episode. Person, that is what we're going to do in this episode.
Speaker 1:Who the fuck are you? Who the fuck am I right? Who am I? So when I was doing my prep for this episode, you know that I always like give you like what to do and how to kind of navigate, working through each of the steps, right. So this week I sat down and I said who are you? Who am I? Actually, if you hear some papers rustling in the background, it's me. If you hear some papers rustling in the background, it's me. Literally like reading through what I did this week and what I want you guys to do when you get the time. But at the top of the page I put who am I? Who do I want to be?
Speaker 1:And the first question I ask myself is who is she so like? If you're anything like me, or I'll just offer from my perspective, right. So since I was a little girl, I have seen this adult version, this, this woman that I want to be, right, this this person that I want to be, and I've I've seen her since I was little. I know exactly how she dresses, what she wears. I always very much had like the materialistic aspects of her mapped out. I can see, like the hair color, the how she wears her makeup, what kind of clothes she wears, what kind of car she drives. I can see it all, all of those materialistic, the physicalities of who she is. As a woman I have seen, since I was as little as I could remember, like I'd say probably, like I'll say eight, I'll say eight.
Speaker 1:I've seen this, this woman that I was going to be, that I wanted to be. So I want you to first, first and foremost, ask yourself that, Like, have you always seen this person that you want to be? Right, like the far-fetched idea of like, oh yeah, I can see what type of person I want to be, but I'll never be her, or, like, I don't know how to become her, or or him, um, the majority of my listeners are females and I've, I've decided to, I've decided to, as much as I want this to be an inclusive community, I am going to talk, like, directly to my females, because I'm a woman and I understand that perspective, and there's so much about being a man that I don't understand. There are some general tools that I think apply to both genders, but I, um, I'm just going to be talking to my ladies, um, but if that resonates with you, stick around. The info that I'm giving is still still relevant, um, but I'm just going to be talking to my girlies but like, is there that, that woman that you see in your mind, that you're like, damn like, if I could step right into being her, I would do it in a heartbeat, because I've had that mental image the majority of my life. But so the first question that I asked myself was who is she? Who is that girl? You know, I've seen her my whole life, but who the hell is she? She's me right. So I wrote down the question and then I started listing out who that woman in my mind is.
Speaker 1:You know, um, and I'm gonna read like a little bit of what I wrote, but not everything, um, so the first thing I wrote is she's compassionate, um, she doesn't know failure, she only sees the lessons. She's confident, she is unwavering and, knowing that she is a good person. She doesn't get discouraged when things don't appear to be working out. She pivots, she is calm and loving, she is gentle. She doesn't care what others think, because she knows she was perfectly designed to be herself. She is grounded, she is routine and consistent. She puts herself first. She always bets on herself because she knows she's successful in everything she does. She sees beauty in everything she does. She sees beauty in everything she is me.
Speaker 1:So, growing up, when I pictured this woman right, that I was going to become, who my future self was going to be, I only focused on the physical things, what I looked like, like, like I just said, like you know what I looked like, how much money I made, or like you know the type of clothing that I that I wore, the kind of car that I wanted to drive. It was very much about materialistic things. Um, as you all know, if you've been listening for a while and if you haven't, like I didn't grow up with money, so that to me was like that was success. The money was the success. The nice clothes, the nice car, the, you know, having the best makeup and going to the salon, you know, every six to eight weeks, and my hair always being done and everything I'm always like together and perfect six to eight weeks, and my hair always being done and everything I'm always like together and perfect, and that those are the things I saw.
Speaker 1:But when I, when I sat down to write who is she? I also thought about what kind of person I am, how? How am I going to be remembered? What am I going to be remembered for? Am I just going to be remembered? What am I going to be remembered for? Am I just going to be remembered for having a lot of money and like being an asshole? Like, because that's not how I want to be remembered, right?
Speaker 1:So like I really thought, like when you're writing down this person and maybe maybe the money thing or like, maybe the, the materialistic things are an important aspect, but it's not the most important aspect. Like people remember you and people will have so much respect for you when you are a kind, good, like genuine person and I don't even want to say kind, but like compassionate. Like people will remember that so much more than the fact like, yeah, okay, sure, you have a nice car and you, but you, if you're a complete asshole, that's all that people will remember is that you were a complete asshole to them, and then they'll let me. Yeah, that's all they'll remember. I don't even like really need to go off on a tangent with that, but like people remember you when you're kind people and people also remember you when you're an asshole, but like I don't want to be remembered as an asshole. So when I was, when I was describing who she was, that was something that was very important for me to acknowledge too was like yes, you know, um, okay, future me has has all the money that I want, I, I'm wearing the clothes that I want, I have the car that I want. Um, but future me is also like a really awesome person, like I'm a really good just all around, like good-hearted person, and I care about people, and that that's something that I want. When you, when you go to describe yourself, don't just think of the materialistic things because yeah, yeah, those are all nice, but think about the type of person that you are.
Speaker 1:The next question that I asked myself was what's her self-care routine? I'm not going to really read mine, but what's your self-care routine? It's so important to take care of yourself first, and I know that as women, sometimes it's so easy to take care of everybody else and put yourself on the back burner. And then what does that lead to? Resentment, anger, irritation, all of those like negative feelings because you're not taking care of yourself.
Speaker 1:So, and and take in self-care isn't just bubble baths and facials, and it's not that like, yeah, I can include that, that's totally fine. But it's also like taking care of your spiritual well-being and taking care of your mental well-being and your physical well-being, and it's I'm not a religious person and I said that you know I would never talk about religion on this podcast, but I will say, like the mind-body-spirit connection, like that's your holy trinity right there, like mind-body-spirit, if one of them's out of alignment, like the other ones are out of alignment. So it's like you really need to find the balance in your self-care routine where it's like you are taking care of all three aspects. Sometimes, you know and when I say out of alignment, that doesn't necessarily mean that all three need need to have equal priority in the moments like that's the beauty of life. Like sometimes you're going to need more like physical. Like sometimes you're gonna need more like physical. Like you, you're gonna need to work out more like just physical movement of your body. Sometimes you're gonna need more spiritual. Sometimes you're gonna need more like mental. Um, you know self-care routines. So it's like, find the things that make each, each of those three aspects your mind, your body and your spirit. Find things that resonate with you, that make each of those three aspects your mind, your body and your spirit find things that resonate with you, that improve each of those categories.
Speaker 1:Okay, the third question that I asked myself was like, what does she wear? What is her style? And again, this varies from person to person. What I see as my style and what I'm comfortable in may not be what you're comfortable in, and again, that's the beauty of individuality. One of the future episodes we'll be talking about social media and essentially, all of us just being clones of each other. And how sad that is, because we were each tailor-made like to be ourselves. And it's sad that we live in a society now where it's like everybody just wants to be like everybody, and I get that like, trust me, I get the influencer thing and I I succumb to that sometimes, where I'm like, um, oh dang, I really like this fit or I really like this style, or I really like this trend that's going around and and that's totally fine. But like, also remember like, even though things are trending, like, make it your own. You know, like you, you are you and that is such a beautiful thing. So, moving on, um, what does she wear? What's her style? And even if you're not sure on like a specific look. I will say with me, like one day I'll want to be like super girly, one day I'll want to be like punk rock and then the next day I want to, you know, dress in like 90s, like hip-hop fashion, and then the next day I'm like some hippie queen where I just like I'm a flower child. So I I just wrote down words that how I want to feel when I, when I wear my clothing. It doesn't necessarily like have to be an exact, like style, and then you're like dedicated to that. So think about how you want to feel when you're, when you're dressed, or like what your style is.
Speaker 1:Fourth question what are your boundaries? Not going to go through mine, but figure out what your boundaries are, things that you will not tolerate, things that everybody knows what a boundary is. You know what I mean. Figure out what they are and stick to them. How you treat yourself is how you're telling other people to treat you. So get clear on what your boundaries are, stick to them.
Speaker 1:The next one is like what do you eat? What am I eating? What does my lifestyle look like? Right? So it's like all these questions are really like what does your lifestyle look like? What does your life look like on a day to day? The next one is like, how much money does she make? Okay, again, not going to go into that, but what are you comfortable making? What is your goal? You know, and it's easy to be like, oh, I want to be a millionaire, oh, I want to be a millionaire, I want to be a billionaire, I want to. It's very easy to say that, sure, yeah, we all want that, right. But truly, like, what is an acceptable amount for you on a monthly basis? Like I need x amount to to be comfortable, right, and then come up with a game plan. Come up with a game plan after that, but really outline what you need to be comfortable, and then set some, some bigger goals with that as well.
Speaker 1:Um, this one was a funny one to me. Uh, my next, my next question that I asked myself is is what is her career? And I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret here. I you know, when you have an outlandish dream and it like it seems so crazy to everybody else that like I don't want to say embarrassed, but it's like you're almost embarrassed, or like you don't want to say it out loud because you don't. You believe it so much in your heart and you don't want people's negativity to like bring you down. That is me and this podcast, and that is me and where I see myself in the future, because I'm gonna, I'm gonna share very publicly now what I want my career to be, what I, what I envision my life being like, um. So I wrote a couple of things, um, also in, and one of the questions was like I have multiple sources, oh, the the money. I have multiple sources of income, right? So, um, when I wrote down what is her career, I wrote down podcast host, youtube content creator, public speaker, personal development coach and mentor. For me to say that out loud. It's not that I don't believe that I can't get there, it's just it seems outlandish. I can, can.
Speaker 1:I can hear, I guess, like those are programming. It's like I can hear my brother being like oh, you're going to start a podcast and be a life coach. That's the most millennial thing I've ever heard come out of your fucking mouth, josie. Um, my parents being like, oh yeah, like that's a great idea. You know, don't quit your day job. Shout out to my parents, I love them. Don't get me wrong, my mom is very supportive. She's like, yeah, josie, you should totally do that.
Speaker 1:But I think if I were to be like, oh yeah, like I'm going to make this podcast like my full-time gig, like I'm going to make content creation like my full-time gig, I can hear my friends laughing. I'm like, oh yeah, well, oh, it's gonna be a solo podcast. Like you're not gonna have a co-host, like all the greatest podcasters are are at least two people, and I can just hear all the negative voices. So sometimes it's like you have this idea in your head or you have this dream in your head and you're scared to share it because you can already hear the negative, the negativity coming from other people. So it's like it's sacred and you like want to keep it to yourself. But I'm here sharing it with you because I'm going to make all those things happen.
Speaker 1:Um, my next question on on my list was how does she speak? And funny little story with this one is I, I did this homework right, like I, I did all this. And then I had a conversation and I was like it's so funny because who I see in the future like this person, that I want to be this, like super successful version of me and all of these things that I wrote down on this piece, this piece of paper, or these, like five sheets of paper. Um, all of those things I already am. The only difference is I'm not, monetarily, where I want to be yet. I'm not necessarily, at this point in life, making the money that I see myself making. I'm not in the home that I see myself living in. I'm not driving the car that I want to be driving. I'm not taking the trips that I want to be driving. I'm not taking the trips that I want to be taking. It's all the materialistic things that I'm not not seeing yet, right, but they're there. If I can envision them, they're already there. We're gonna do an episode about quantum mechanics eventually, but like, um, all those things are already there, right, but I'm already that person.
Speaker 1:And I think the disconnect for us sometimes is that we don't always see ourselves for the people that we actually are. We are so highly critical of ourselves and want to be. We just nitpick right, like. If only there was a way at some point in life like that you could switch roles with somebody who sees you for the exact, like miraculous, wonderful creation that you are, like sometimes I wish I could see myself through other people's eyes, because I am so highly critical of myself and I think that by doing this work and really figuring out like who we are, like there, there does become a point where it's like we can sort of see ourselves through somebody else's eyes, somebody else's eyes. I think we'll always be sorry for such a long pause.
Speaker 1:I think we'll always be critical of ourselves, but I think that it's so important to really understand how great we are. And that's not coming from a place of ego, but it's like when you really are a good person or you really are doing work and you're showing up for yourself and you're showing up for other people and you're putting your best foot forward and you're you know, nobody's ever going to be perfect, ever. If they say they're perfect, they're fucking lying. Because what is perfection? Right. But when you're doing, when you're giving it your all and you're doing the best that you can, and you know that you're doing the best that you can, like we can be easy on ourselves. Like we can offer ourselves grace and understanding and compassion and love.
Speaker 1:As easy as it is for us to do that for other people, like we really have to like get in the habit of doing that for ourselves because, like I've said in past episodes, if we don't ever see the good that we're doing now, when we, when we're doing the things that we think are going to make us great, like we're not going to think that we're great in those moments we're constantly going to be like okay, what's next? What's next? I should be doing more, I could be doing. You know, I didn't do this perfectly, or this could have been better. And I think it's good to like observe yourself and say, oh, yeah, okay, this could have been better. Next time we'll do X, y, z and apply it to whatever area of life, and I lost my train of thought. Um, I think it's okay to, you know, want to be better.
Speaker 1:But I think it's also okay to accept, where you are, the knowledge that you have the understanding of life as you know it in the now, and be like hey, you know what? Like it wasn't perfect, but it was good enough. And that's not to say, um, half-ass something, or don't give something your all, but when you, when you're giving it your all, it's okay if it's good enough, like, and it's okay to have areas of improvement. That is life? Like? That is all life is is like okay, like learning and gaining knowledge and gaining understanding of, like who we are as people. That's what life is. You know, that's all it is. That's all we're here for, sure. You know what's our career and what's our purpose. I think your purpose comes from what is the biggest lesson that you're supposed to learn in life? Right, I just got off a call with somebody who I will eventually be doing a collaboration with for each of our podcasts and he asked me like you know who are you trying to help and like what's your?
Speaker 1:You know what's, what's the purpose? And I was like I have been through my life and I didn't understand what self love was. I didn't, I didn't see my worthiness, I didn't see my value and I kept repeating situation after situation after situation romantic relationships, friendships, family, whatever you name it. I kept going through situations where I didn't feel valued, I didn't feel worthy, I didn't have any self-respect and I think my purpose is was to go through all of that. When I say, you know, like life is always happening for you, not to you like I really think that my purpose was to go through all of that shit, all of the things that I've been through in my life, so that way I can sit here and have conversations with people and and have conversations with all of you and say, hey, like this is what I've been through and this, this is what works for me, and if you need help figuring out what's going to work for you, like, I'm here for you. I got you, like, let's figure it out together.
Speaker 1:And like, I felt so isolated and alone so many times in my life. That's like I know what that feeling is like and I know how, in certain moments, in a lot of moments, honestly, like I wish I just had somebody to reach out who, like, understood where I was coming from or could at least, like empathize with my situation or my circumstances and offer guidance. And offer guidance right, we talked about the victim mindset last week of, like I'm more than than willing to listen to your story and sympathize, empathize, you know, be compassionate and understanding of like why you think you can't do the things that you want to do, but I'm also the person that's going to have your back and I'm going to push you and I'm going to say, look, that's cool that all that shit happened to you, right, like, figure out the lessons in each, go back, go back through the pain. And that's the thing that's like a lot of people don't want to sit through the pain of, like they don't want to relive it, but like the only way out is through. That's like the only thing that I can think of right now the only way out is through. So it's like you have to sit through that shit, as uncomfortable as it is. That's the only way that you're going to this, this version, the who are you? Who do you want to be? Who do you see yourself Like? What's the future version of you look like the only way that you're going to get to that person is to sit through your shit, deal with it, figure out the lessons that you're supposed to be learning, so that way you can start making moves intentionally to get to the person that you want to become, to get to that future self, to get to that highest self. You are already your highest self. You're already. You already hold all the tools, and I won't say the knowledge, because there's always room to like, learn more, but you always, you already have everything that you need to be that fucking version. But until you sit through the pain. Until you sit through all the shit that you've been through, until you start to decode all the messages of all the shit that you've been through, you're not gonna know how to move forward. You're not going to know how to create a plan and execute the plan to get to that future version of yourself.
Speaker 1:So, now that we've gone through some of the questions of like who I just got really passionate Hold on a second. I just want to take a minute and say that, like I am so passionate about like helping other people get to a point where they can see that like that future version of themselves, like you're already it, like it's already it. You've got everything, everything. Um, because I know the pain and the struggle and like the, the irritation and the aggravation of like how the fuck do I get there? Like okay, sure, I know that I need to do all this, but how the fuck do I get there? And I've gone through that mentality for a long time. You know, and I've I've figured out the systems that worked for me and I've implemented the systems that work for me, and it truly is my passion to help other people figure that out. So you don't feel like you're just like fucking flying blind and life's just happening to you and you're just floating on a rock in outer space, like I mean, yeah, okay, we fucking are, but I want to, I help me, help you, like I really do just want to help People understand that you know, like I don't know. Anyways, I'm off on a tangent, but I did just want to say that I am very passionate about that and please feel free to reach out If you're really truly ready to like take that step and and and plan and execute. That's that's going to be my, uh, my little catchphrase for this episode is plan and execute.
Speaker 1:So, um, now that you've like asked your questions of like, you know, you've described to this person that your future self what, what they look like, what they drive, what are their daily habits, what are they eating, how do they dress? Um, you know what kind look like, what they drive, what are their daily habits, what are they eating, how do they dress? You know what kind of person are they? The next, really, really important question what's your why? Why is the future version of yourself that way? Why are they a kind person? Why are they compassionate? Why are they assertive? Why are they intentional? Why are they? Whatever it is that you wrote down. What is your why? Why are you doing all this shit, right, if we're just floating on a rock and out of space and nothing fucking matters? Like what's your why? What is your why? And get very specific on what is your why. Is it a person? Is it yourself? Is it your inner child? Is it your children? Like what is the why? Like what is the why, my why and I didn't really understand my why until I had my daughter. When I say, that kid saved me from myself, like she really did, so she is part of my why, the the main reason for my why, honestly. But my why is?
Speaker 1:I want to be an inspiration, and not in an egotistical way of where I'm like, oh, I'm so inspirational and everybody should look up to me and like like I'm up on some fucking pedestal, like I'm better than people. That's not what I mean. I want to be an inspiration in the way that I want you to know that you can come from nothing. You can be quote-unquote predestined for failure or predestined for a certain type of life, and you can call bullshit on that and you can make whatever fucking life that you want to. That is how I want to be inspirational to people, because I will say it, I don't care whose feelings it hurts. You're not not special, I'm not special. We are all equal. We are all so powerful it's really, how bad do you want it. How bad do you want it? How much work are you willing to put in to get to it? Like, to get to that person. Right, this is all about like who you want to be Like. Why do you? Why the fuck do you even want to be that person? To that person? Right, this is all about like who you want to be like. Why do you? Why the fuck do you even want to be that person? What the hell do I care? You know what I mean. Like we're all just floating on a rock in outer space. What's your why? But I do like I do.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna share a little, a little tidbit of information. This might make me sound I don't even have the word for it right now, but I always say that when I was growing up, I was in a lot of environments where I very easily could have done drugs. I very easily could have gotten in trouble, ended up in jail, ended up just in a not good way of life, right, like, not the life that I want to lead. But I have always had this voice in the back of my head call it God, call it the universe, my spirit team, my future version of myself. I don't know what you want to call it, call it whatever you want, but there has always been a voice in the back of my head saying Josie, you're better than this. Josie, you, you're, you're better than this like. And again, it's not from like, I'm better than anybody. I'm not. I'm just as equal. We're all equal. Like.
Speaker 1:But I just knew that I was destined for something so much greater than the lifestyles that I was shown growing up. I just knew that. I just knew that and I always had this vision of hasn't come true yet, but it's going to. But I always had this vision of speaking to people and asking the question what's my stereotype? Somebody tell me about myself. If you were to just look at me, what if you were to just look at me from the outside, from my, just my physical appearance, and automatically stereotype me within the first like five seconds of looking at me? Who am I? What kind of life did I live?
Speaker 1:I always had that vision of asking and I I promise you it's going to happen like when I said that I wanted to be a public speaker, like I do. I want to be a motivational speaker. I want to speak to people, um like, and physically be in front of them. You know, not just on the podcast, but I always wanted to ask that question, stereotype me, tell me who I am, tell me about myself, and then completely flip the script and say, no, all of you are wrong. None of that has happened to me, which I mean maybe now I'm kind of ruining that, that question, because I've given my backstory a little bit but say I'm in a room and, like, people don't know who I am, you know what I mean? They're just like, ah, you know, there's a speaker, whatever.
Speaker 1:I've always wanted to ask that question because I think that we do that so much of like we see somebody for just a few seconds and we automatically say, oh shit, life must be so easy for them, or oh, yeah, they must have had it easy, or it's so we're so quick to do that and it's like, truly, until you ask or until somebody tells you, you have no fucking clue. But I always had that vision that one day I'm going to be in front of a crowd of people and I'm going to ask that question somebody stereotype me. Maybe it'll be a little different by the time that I, you know, get to that point of where I'm public speaking. But I just knew that there was something better, and I think that we all know that. I really do think that, you know, when we're, when we're young, before we get all of our programming and all of our inner voices from the people that raised us or the people that we grew up around, and then, you know, we start hearing those voices instead of our own being like nah, bro, you got it, you can do it, you're, you're better than this, you, you know better. It's like always that like that mom voice of, like you fucking know better, like you, you know, you fucked up, you know. But I think we really do all have that that voice, that inner knowing that, like life can be whatever we want it to be, we can, we can see that future self and we can know that that is already us. We just have to wait for, like, the physical manifestation of that version to come in and we have to just prove to ourselves that's like we're better than our current circumstances and, again, nobody's better than anybody. But it's like when you know the life that you want to live, you know what you're capable of, you know what kind of person you are and you want that you can have it, because you're already that person. Just certain things about that future version of yourself have not manifested physically yet, like in your physical reality. So, yeah, I want to be an inspiration. You know what I mean. I do, that's my why. I want to be an inspiration to my child.
Speaker 1:I want to be an inspiration to other women, to other women, to underprivileged women or, you know, underprivileged girls that think that you know they're shown a certain lifestyle or a certain aspect of life and they're like, well, fuck, this is it for me. Like, nah, baby, that doesn't have to be it for you. There's a whole world like that whole phrase of like out of sight, out of mind, and also like ignorance is bliss. The out of sight out of mind is like, basically, if it's not in your physical reality, like if you're not seeing it, you don't necessarily know that it exists, right? So like if you only ever see one lifestyle, that's all that. You know that exists and you become really comfortable with it. You're like, yeah, okay, fuck it, this is my life, this is life, this is what I have to look forward to.
Speaker 1:But thankfully, you know, like we live in a time and space where it's like you can see, we have a window to the world right, like your phone, a computer, a laptop, the internet is the window to the world. Like you can see that and you can decide, hey, is this for me, is this not for me? Hey, let me try it, not for me? Hey, let me try it. And I think that we get so comfortable in our, in our own reality or in the the knowing that we have of life and like the things that we see, that it's really hard to like tiptoe across that line and be like, oh, let me just try this out, let me just see if this is for me and everything's not for you. Everything's not for me, like you know, and that's okay.
Speaker 1:But it's like I want to inspire people to try something different, to look at the possibility of like, okay, hey, I see you know I grew up in poverty, or like I grew up poor. And hey, I see you know I, I grew up in poverty or like I grew up poor and um, but I see these rich people and you know they're living in these mansions and they're vacationing in these beautiful ass places and like I can never have that, because that's not what I was born into. Don't sell yourself short, don't fucking sell yourself. And I will say, on that note, like I used to be very resentful of, like, oh, like I used I got the people that I used to be, um, but no, it's like I used to be that person. I'm like, oh, yeah, well, that's easy for you to do, it must be nice having mommy and daddy's money. And like you know, you just get resentful and you're like, well, fuck, I wasn't born into that. Like I can never have that. Like that's fucking bullshit, bro, that's bullshit. Yeah, I'm just going to conclude there. Don't sell yourself short, because that future version of yourself that you're envisioning, you're already them, and maybe not to a T.
Speaker 1:That's where this mini-series comes into place. Find your values. Be self-aware. Where do you need the improvement? It's never a bad thing if you need to improve. That just means that you get to become better. Like we're all out here trying to be the fucking best. Like, do that, and it's not a competition with people out in the world. Like you're not in competition with them, you're in competition with yourself.
Speaker 1:I know you've heard it. It's one of the motivational quotes that's on every fucking motivational, inspirational instagram page, tiktok page, whatever, you're not in competition with anybody else because you're you. Like nobody can compete with you. Whatever makes you unique. Like that was god's blessing to you, that was the universe's blessing to you. Like, use that shit to your advantage. Don't try don't be out here trying to be a clone of everybody else. Like it's fine if we like the same things and like we like trends and stuff like that, but like don't lose yourself in the world around you, because that shit ain't gonna help you. Then you are gonna be stuck.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, this, go out there physically write down. I know that it's like. You know it's easy to like think about things physically. Write it down, bro. Like, because when I was writing, when I was writing this stuff this week, like it literally took me writing out on a piece of paper for me to connect to the fact that, like I am already these things, like I'm already halfway more than fucking halfway to being that version of myself. I'm more than halfway there and how empowering is that?
Speaker 1:Right, like you know, when you're starting out and you're like all all right. Like you see, like you're you're going on a hike, right and you're at the bottom of the mountain and you see the top of the top of the mountain and you're like, ah fuck, okay, like this is going to be, it's going to be worth it, the view is going to be amazing. I'm going to feel great afterwards. But, like, when you're sitting at the bottom of the mountain, you're like, oh fuck, bro, okay, you have to like mentally prepare yourself. But when you're like halfway up, you're like dude, like you know, you might have your moments where you're like struggling a little bit, but you're like, all right, all right, we're halfway there.
Speaker 1:Like I know, when I get to the top and I get there, like the view is going to be amazing, it's going to be so fucking worth it. So when you actually write out who you want to be, what that future version of yourself looks like and how they act and how they behave and all of the things that encompass them as a whole, and you start to realize like, oh wait, a fucking minute, I'm already doing most of these things. I'm already halfway there, like my mountaintop view ain't that fucking far away Like, I'm almost there. That's so fucking empowering. So write the shit out. Do me a favor, just go write it down.
Speaker 1:The power of putting pen to a paper or pencil to a paper, like yeah, technology is great and shit, but sometimes just like writing it out is so much more beneficial um, even in your, I will say I, I, I personally enjoy putting the pen to the paper and like writing it out. But also to like use your fucking notes app, like, and then start clocking those moments where it's like you know you've made this list and who your future version of yourself is. Start taking note of moments that you're like oh shit, like damn. I don't know what's something Like if it's a morning routine or something right Like damn, completed my morning routine today, did that? Woohoo, guess what? My highest version of myself would be proud of me right now because I just did that. Oh, completed my nighttime routine, did that? Oh damn, working out consistently for months now Still got it. Still got it. Going on like prove to your brain that you are already that person like one it's.
Speaker 1:Yes, writing it out was very important to me, but like now I'm like, damn, I'm about to also shout out to Allie Nympho from the Unfuck Yourself podcast. If you haven't listened to her or you have no idea who she is and you're like a spiritual girly and into like the kind of woo, woo stuff, even if you're not, fucking go listen to her. Um, she's the one that was like take out your notes app. So let me give credit where credit is due, um, but she's like you know, start like clocking those moments, start identifying those moments and like shit will start coming in so much faster when you, when you can prove to your brain because, again, you can only prove what your brain already knows. So if you're making a note, oh, hey, shit, damn, I did that Damn higher self and fucking title the title, the um. No, like my higher self, shit, my higher self does name it that. Start clocking those moments.
Speaker 1:Again, shout out to Allie If you have not listened to her podcast or have no idea who she is, go check her out. She is like she. How do I even word it? I geek out about her because I just love her work so much and I just resonate with everything. Just love her work so much and I just resonate with everything that she talks about so much. Um, but go check her out and, um, I lost my train of thought because I was geeking out about Allie.
Speaker 1:No, I just it's not very often that I'm inspired by people, I guess, or that I really resonate, like can resonate with somebody on everything that they say Right, and that she is that for me. Um, I feel like you know, she's been in the game for a minute, she's done the work and she solidifies a lot of things that I felt crazy for believing, or, um, I don't want to say crazy for believing, but I just felt like, you know, I have a different outlook on life, or I have a different perspective than everybody else, and that just makes me a little weird, and that's okay. Like I like that because I like being weird, but like I don't feel weird when I listen to her, because everything that she says, I'm like, oh, my god, I've thought of this a thousand times over Like, thank you for solidifying it for me, you know. But, yeah, shout out to her, go check her out, figure out who the hell you want to be, figure out your why, plan and execute how you're going to get to that future version of yourself, and I will see you all next week. I feel like I feel so inspired this week to just to live my best fucking life. I just feel so I've.
Speaker 1:I'm not going to lie to you guys. I've been in a like a funk the last I don't know couple of weeks. I don't know what it was, I really don't know what it was. I don't know what it was, I really don't know what it was, but I was just like in a funk and I finally feel like myself again. So I truly hope that you guys have enjoyed this episode. Don't forget to. You know, turn on your notifications so that way you can stay up to date. I post every week, usually on Thursdays, sometimes on Fridays, um, probably always on Thursdays. Now, uh, like I said, I've been in a little funk, so we've worked through that. We're moving on, taking baby steps to get to the highest version of ourselves. Yeah, so that's all I have. I'll see you guys next week. Okay, love ya, bye.